- Algae has been used by Melvin Calvin to understand the process of photosynthesis- Chlorella
- Nitrogen fixing blue green algae are Anabaena, Nostoc, Aulosira, Oscillatoria, Spirulina , Cylindrospermum and Tolpothrix.
- Red rust of tea is caused by a green algae Celpholeuros virescence. This is a parasitic algae.
- Some blue green algae Microcystic, Oscillatoria and Lyngbye are responsible for water blooms.
- Heterocysts are found in some blue green algae(Anabaena, Cylimdrospermum, Nostoc). These help in nitrogen fixation.
- Fritschiella shows heterotrichous habit , which may have given rise to land plants.
- Oedogonium possess ring like structure marking the Cap cells caused divisions.
Some interesting forms of Algae
- Rolling algae- Volvox
- Water net- Hydrodictyon
- Stone wort- Chara
- Irish moss- Chondrus crispus
- Sea lettuce- Ulva
- Heterotrichous algae- Drapranaldiopsis
- Frog spawn algae- Batrachospermum
- Smallest algae- Microcystis
- Largest algae- Macrocystis
- Parasitic algae- Cephaleuros