- Major Characteristics of Pteridophytes
- Classification of Pteridophytes
- Heterospory and Seed habit in Pteridophytes
- Heterospory and Seed habit in Selaginella
- Homosporous & Heterosporous ferns
- Eusporangiate vs Leptosporangiate Ferns
- Megaphyllous and Microphyllous Ferns
- Stelar system in Pteridophytes
- Difference between Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms
Psilotum: Systematic position - Sporophyte or Plant body - Synangium Structure - Stem Anatomy - Gametophyte or Prothallus - Life Cycle
Lycopodium: Systematic position - Plant body - Stem anatomy - Strobilus - Prothallus or Gametophyte - Life cycle - Stelar system in Lycopodium