Life Cycle of Psilotum

Homomorphic alternation of generation as rhizhome and gametophyte are look alike.
Life cycle of Psilotum
Steps in Life Cycle of Psilotum
1. Psilotum plant body is a sporophyte (Diploid 2n)
2. Synangium is the spore bearing structure
3. In synangium, diploid spore mother cells undergo meiosis forming haploid spores (1n)
4. Spores germinate forming gametophyte or prothallus (Monoecious : both antheridia and archegonia are present)
5. Antheridium produce sperms. Sperms are multiflagellate. Archegonium produce egg.
6. Fertilization is oogamous
7. Zygote divides to form Embryonic sporophyte later form mature plant body (Diploid Psilotum Sporophyte)
Image credit: Botany visual resource library, The McGraw Hill companies
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