MCQ on Plant Taxonomy | Angiosperm Family Characteristics

1. Plants with stellate hairs, mucilaginous, free lateral stipule, solitary flowers, free petals with contorted aestivation, monoadelphous stamen, ovules with axile placentation is seen in the family

A) Malvaceae 

B) Rutaceae

C) Caryophyllacea

D) Meliaceae

2. A family having unisexual flowers with parietal placentation is

A) Cruciferae

B) Euphorbiaceae

C) Orchidaceae 

D) Cucurbitaceae

3. The family Lythraceae belongs to the series

A) Disciflorae 

B) Calyciflorae

C) Heteromerae

D) Inferae

4. The family Amaryllidaceae differs from Liliaceae in having

A) Actinomorphic to slightly zygomorphic flowers

B) Inferior ovary

C) Axile placentation

D) Perianth of six tepals

5. Labellum in Orchidaceae comes to anterior side by the twisting of the ovary 
through 180 degree. This process is called

A) Adnation

B) Articulation

C) Resupination 

D) Attenuation

6. Endosperm is absent in

A) Orchidaceae 

B) Compositae

C) Poaceae

D) Malvaceae

7. The Commelinaceae family is commonly known as the

Commelinaceae family -Multiple Choice Questions on Plant Taxonomy - Angiosperm Family Characteristics

A) Spiderwort family 

B) Aster family

C) Grass family

D) Lilli family

8. Foeniculum vulgare belongs to the family

A) Rutaceae

B) Meliaceae

C) Apiaceae

 D) Brassicaceae

9. The family Lamiaceae is characterized by the inflorescence

A) Scorpiod cyme

 B) Helicoid cyme

C) Verticellaster

 D) Cyathium

10. Marginal placentation and monocarpellary pistil are found in

A) Poaceae

B) Asteraceae

C) Fabaceae

 D) Liliaceae

Learn more: Quiz on Plant Systematics


1. A) Malvaceae 

2. D) Cucurbitaceae

3.B) Calyciflorae

4. B) Inferior ovary

5. C) Resupination 

6. A) Orchidaceae 

7. A) Spiderwort family 

8. C) Apiaceae

9. C) Verticellaster

10.  C) Fabaceae

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