MCQ on Phycology | Algae Multiple Choice

 1. Red rust in tea is caused by

A) Fungi 

B) Bacteria 

C) Algae 

D) Virus

2. Bioluminescence is usually associated with

A) Chrysophyta 

B) Pyrrophyta

C) Chlorophyta 

D) Phaeophyta

3. Name the Irish moss which produces carageenin?

A) Octoblepharum albidum 

B) Leucobryumbowringii

C) Porphyra tenera 

D) Chondrus crispus

4. Which of the following are not algae in the true sense?

A) Spirogyra and Chlorella 

B) Nostoc and Spirogyra

C) Ulva and Chlorella 

D) Nostocand Chlorella

5. The algae possess a life cycle that switches between diploid sporophyte and 
haploid gametophyte which are indistinguishable morphologically i.e. isomorphic diplohaplontic?

A) Volvox 

B) Zygnema

C) Ulothrix 

D) Cladophora

6. Agar is obtained from the algae

A) Gelidium

 B) Gracillaria

C) Both A & B 

D) Polysiphonia

7. In Ectocarpus, gametangia are sexual bodies which are

A) Plurilocular 

B) Unilocular

C) Monosporangia 

D) Nucule

8. Name the algal group containing oil, lipid and lucosin as the reserved food materials

A) Chlorophycophyta

 B) Phaeophycophyta

C) Xanthophycophyta

 D) Bacillariophycophyta

9. Analyze the following features in relation to Oedogonium and select the correct statements

1. Asexual reproduction takes place by multi- flagellate zoospore, where flagella are arranged around the beak-like apical region.

2. Nannandrous species are always dioecious (heterothallic) i.e., antheridia and oogonia are borne on different filaments. In this type the antheridia develop on a very small filament termed as dwarf male or nannandrium.

3. The androspores, antherozoids and zoospores are morphologically alike but differ in their size and numbers

A) 1 and 3

 B) 1 & 2 

C) 2 & 3 

D) 1, 2 & 3

10. Select the correct features of Polysiphonia

1. Branches of limited growth are called trichoblasts, spirally arranged, dichotomously branched, colourless and may develop both from main axis and long branches.

2. The diploid part of the cystocarp represents the carposporophyte. The carposporangium develops single diploid carpospores.

A) 1 only 

B) 2 only

C) Both 1 & 2 

D) Neither 1 nor 2


1.  C) Algae 

2. B) Pyrrophyta

3. D) Chondrus crispus

4. B) Nostoc and Spirogyra

5. D) Cladophora

6. C) Both A & B 

7. A) Plurilocular 

8. C) Xanthophycophyta

9. D) 1, 2 & 3

10. C) Both 1 & 2 

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