Aquatic ferns are a group of ferns that grow in water or wet soil. They are known for their unique ability to adapt to aquatic environments by developing specialized leaves and stems. There are several types of aquatic ferns, including Salvinia, Azolla, Marsilea, and Pilularia.
Salvinia is a genus of floating ferns that can be found in freshwater habitats around the world. They are known for their unique appearance, with leaves that are covered in small hairs that repel water. This allows them to float on the surface of the water, where they can receive the sunlight they need for photosynthesis. Salvinia is often used in aquariums as a natural way to control algae growth.

Azolla is a small fern that grows in water and forms dense mats on the surface of ponds and lakes. It is often used in rice fields as a natural fertilizer, as it has the ability to fix nitrogen from the air into a usable form. Azolla is also known for its ability to absorb heavy metals from water, making it a valuable tool for cleaning up polluted waterways.

Marsilea is a type of aquatic fern that is found in shallow water and wet soil. It has four-leaf clover shaped leaves that float on the surface of the water. Marsilea is often used in aquariums as a decorative plant, and it is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.

Pilularia is a genus of small aquatic ferns that grow in shallow water and wet soil. They have small, bead-like leaves that are arranged in a spiral pattern. Pilularia is often used in aquariums as a decorative plant, and it is also used in traditional medicine to treat skin conditions and respiratory ailments.

In summary, aquatic ferns are a fascinating group of plants that have adapted to thrive in water or wet soil. Salvinia, Azolla, Marsilea, and Pilularia are some of the most common types of water ferns, each with its unique characteristics and uses. Whether you are looking to decorate your aquarium or clean up a polluted waterway, aquatic ferns can be a valuable addition to your environment.