The term natural or organic manure is generally used for nutrients from natural sources and fertilizers are nutrients from artificial sources. Organic manures include excreta of animals, animal matter such as blood, bones, flesh, horn etc. and decomposed vegetation.
Major sources of organic manures are:
Cattle shed wastes-dung, urine and slurry from biogas plants.
Slaughterhouse wastes-bone meal, meat meal, blood meal, horn and hoof meal, Fish wastes.
By products of agro industries-oil cakes, and press mud, fruit and vegetable processing wastes etc.
Crop wastes-sugarcane trash, stubbles and other related material.
Water hyacinth, weeds and tank silt, and green manure crops and green leaf manuring material.
Human habitation wastes: human urine, town refuse, sewage and sludge Poultry litter, droppings of sheep and goat.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic manures
Advantages :
•In addition to releasing nutrients, it improves soil structure
•Increases water holding capacity
•Slow in action hence very difficult to over fertilize plants
•No risk of forming toxic build up of chemicals
•Renewable, biodegradable, eco friendly
•Slow in action, microbes required to release nutrients microbes require moisture, so seasonal variation may affect
•Nutrient ratios are unknown
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Fertilizers
- Difference between Organic Manure and Fertilizers